Archive for the tag: without

How To Lose 8 Pounds In 2 Weeks Without Ruining Your Metabolism

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About Ryan Fischer:
I have spent the last 20 years in the fitness industry, with a primary focus on functional fitness. I created the interval bodybuilding trend (HIIB), ‘BuddyBuilding,’ and I operate some of the biggest nutrition challenges on social media including:Carb Cycling, Keto Cycling, and IntermittentFasting. My workout programs have recently been part of the physical fitness protocols for the U.S.Military, used by large corporations, and have helped thousands of gym owners and individual athletes around the globe.

DISCLAIMER!!! Do this at your own risk or consult a doctor 🙂

I didn’t eat for 7 days! Yes, that’s right. This was a mental and physical EXPERIMENT. This is not a long term diet plan or a way to consistently lose weight. In this video I share my results from fasting for 7 days drinking only water. I lost almost 5 Kgs within 7 days. Watch the video for my water fasting experience, results!

If you do a 7 day fast, I really recommend that you watch @drjasonfung & @DrEricBergDC videos on it. It gives all advice and knowledge to support you during your fast.

Also, my re-feed consisted of homemade Bone Broth, Tender Coconut Water and some fruit. The food over the next few days could have been better for sure. But I took the suggested 4 days to get back to proper solid food that i would eat before.

I took plenty of rest during this fast, despite me not showing it. Filming me laying and sitting around for 7 days wouldn’t have made a very interesting video.

I also reviewed the following water brands – Aquafina, Bisleri, Himalayan, Evocus and Evian. A reviewer has to review you know 😉

Hope you enjoy watching this video 🙂


Hi, I’m DCT! I have been eating since 1993 and am currently on a food drive with a camera to record myself (that was quite clear when I wrote camera), anyway. I’ve been a Sapatu Raman (also read as FOODGASMER 😉 hehe) all my life and will continue to be the same. Also, happy to chat on Instagram @DCT_EATS (

Please correct me if I’m wrong about stuff I say using the comment section (be nice okay?) and these are my opinions and views, I do not mean to offend anyone or their culture or their pets.


#shorts #waterfast #nofood #fasting

PS- Huge shoutout to Sonny from the Best Ever Food Review Show, Mark Wiens, Irfan from Irfan’s View, Trevor James from The Food Ranger & Kripal Amanna from The Food Lovers TV for all the inspiration – You guys are the best!
See you soon!
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Mayo Clinic Minute: Burn calories without burning out on exercise

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Weight loss can be a math equation. To lose one pound of fat per week, burn 500 calories per day more than you consume.

Knowing the numbers can make it tempting to try to burn too many calories too quickly.

“For someone who’s sedentary and unfit, burning 500 extra calories per day is going to be a huge effort,” says Mayo Clinic endocrinologist Dr. Michael Jensen. “And there is a risk for injury or just being turned off by the increased activity.”

In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Jensen offers ideas for burning calories without burning out on exercise. Jeff Olsen reports.

More health and medical news on the Mayo Clinic News Network
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Small bites throughout the day can really add up. Half a donut? Yep, it counts too. See how many extra calories are sneaking into your day. Get more healthy living tips from the Mayo Clinic App:
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