New research suggests that H.I.I.T., or high intensity interval training, is just as effective as spending 45 minutes at the gym doing moderate exercise.
This means, specially designed H.I.I.T. exercise routines, or as I like to call them, 1 minute weight loss routines, can be used to replace long, boring cardio work outs at the gym!
This is one easy thing I do to lose weight that doesn’t include restrictive dieting. It’s a simple way to lower cortisol levels to help balance your metabolism.I also do 1/2 caffeine coffee + my Miss Congeniality Mood Boost to balance hormones, reduces stress and support healthy weight loss. #teamlsf #bodytransformation #weightloss #shorts
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About Ryan Fischer:
I have spent the last 20 years in the fitness industry, with a primary focus on functional fitness. I created the interval bodybuilding trend (HIIB), ‘BuddyBuilding,’ and I operate some of the biggest nutrition challenges on social media including:Carb Cycling, Keto Cycling, and IntermittentFasting. My workout programs have recently been part of the physical fitness protocols for the U.S.Military, used by large corporations, and have helped thousands of gym owners and individual athletes around the globe.
DISCLAIMER!!! Do this at your own risk or consult a doctor 🙂
I didn’t eat for 7 days! Yes, that’s right. This was a mental and physical EXPERIMENT. This is not a long term diet plan or a way to consistently lose weight. In this video I share my results from fasting for 7 days drinking only water. I lost almost 5 Kgs within 7 days. Watch the video for my water fasting experience, results!
If you do a 7 day fast, I really recommend that you watch @drjasonfung & @DrEricBergDC videos on it. It gives all advice and knowledge to support you during your fast.
Also, my re-feed consisted of homemade Bone Broth, Tender Coconut Water and some fruit. The food over the next few days could have been better for sure. But I took the suggested 4 days to get back to proper solid food that i would eat before.
I took plenty of rest during this fast, despite me not showing it. Filming me laying and sitting around for 7 days wouldn’t have made a very interesting video.
I also reviewed the following water brands – Aquafina, Bisleri, Himalayan, Evocus and Evian. A reviewer has to review you know 😉
Hope you enjoy watching this video 🙂
Hi, I’m DCT! I have been eating since 1993 and am currently on a food drive with a camera to record myself (that was quite clear when I wrote camera), anyway. I’ve been a Sapatu Raman (also read as FOODGASMER 😉 hehe) all my life and will continue to be the same. Also, happy to chat on Instagram @DCT_EATS (
Please correct me if I’m wrong about stuff I say using the comment section (be nice okay?) and these are my opinions and views, I do not mean to offend anyone or their culture or their pets.
#shorts #waterfast #nofood #fasting
PS- Huge shoutout to Sonny from the Best Ever Food Review Show, Mark Wiens, Irfan from Irfan’s View, Trevor James from The Food Ranger & Kripal Amanna from The Food Lovers TV for all the inspiration – You guys are the best!
See you soon! Video Rating: / 5
If you’re watching this video, chances are, you’re wondering how to diet to lose fat for good. Most people have been taught to use approaches that set themselves up for failure in the long run, by physiologically messing up their bodies with diets that leave them in a position where it’s now very hard to strip off that excess fat. But, in this video, with the help of Dr. Eric Trexler, pro body-builder and PhD researcher, I’m going to show you exactly how to diet properly so you can undo the damage you may have done from your previous dieting attempts (i.e. maintenance calories are too low) and break through your weight loss plateau. I’ll also show you how to keep the weight off so that once you strip off that excess fat, it’s gone forever.
The first thing we want to do here is something called a recovery phase, which helps with 3 goals: restore the lean muscle mass that you lost, restore any hormonal imbalances (related to cutting your maintenance calories too low), and to just get you in a better mindset. To accomplish this, all you’re going to do is simply bump up your calories to whatever your maintenance calories currently are or even slightly above this, while also cutting back on your cardio. As for how long you should stay in this recovery phase for, Eric recommends at least a couple months for most people.
When you’re ready though, phase 2 is where we can give dieting another shot – but this time we need to do it right. Which means that we need to set up our fat loss phase in a way that minimizes muscle loss AND minimizes the metabolic adaptation we typically experience throughout our diet. And as outlined in Eric’s research papers, there are a few ways to do this. First, you need to avoid using a very aggressive calorie deficit. This equates to roughly only a 15-25% calorie deficit, but just keep an eye on how your bodyweight progresses and adjust accordingly. Next, we want to use an approach called intermittent dieting. And lastly, you need to ensure that you’re eating a high protein diet (1.8-2.7 g/kg bodyweight) along with high volume, low calorie, filling foods. So basically, you apply these 3 steps until you’ve successfully pushed past your weight loss plateau.
Then, it’s time to transition to phase 3. What we want to do here is simply find a way that you can maintain your weight loss in a sustainable way. One option is a reverse diet. Although the effect this has does seem to vary individually, often times what happens is even though you’re adding more and more calories back into your diet, your body counteracts this by essentially gets out of that “dieting” mindset and tends to start burning more calories through subconscious increases in daily activity, or NEAT to slowly bump up your metabolism. Imaginably, this is the crucial step when it comes to how to keep the weight off after your diet. However, keep in mind that again this does vary individually as people respond to increases in calorie intake differently.
And then, from here, it really is up to you where to go next. You could either maintain your new physique with relative ease with new your higher calorie intake, or you could choose to now focus more on muscle growth. Now although this whole ‘how to diet to lose fat for good’ process may seem very complex and you may be feeling as if there’s no hope for you, that just simply isn’t true. I’m not going to lie it will take time, but by following these 4 phases, remaining patient, and combining this with a solid training and nutrition plan, then you can and will be able to strip off that fat for good.
On that note though guys, for those who do need that extra bit of help when it comes to learning how to diet properly, my step-by-step programs have been designed to guide you through each of these phases in detail. It comes fully equipped with software that enables you to actually know exactly what your metabolism is at and how its changing week after week as you strip off fat, so that you can easily break through any plateau you encounter along the way and lean down in the most efficient way possible just like several of our Built With Science members have done with their programs. To get started today, simply take the analysis quiz below to discover which specific program is best for your body and where it’s currently at:
Diet Hacks Video:
View Dr. Eric Trexler’s Work Below:
Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo
Music by Ryan Little – Body Language –
Subscribe to my channel here: Video Rating: / 5
Dr. Fariba Dayhim, bariatric surgeon and bariatrician at Detroit Medical Center, answers the age-old question about what really drives weight loss. Video Rating: / 5
How to lose weight fast – lose 5 kg in a month with this powerful home remedy. cumin water for weight loss
Fat burning drink, will help you lose 5 kg in a month. This drink will boost your metabolic rate and thus helps in weight loss.
How To Lose Belly Fat In 5 days :
Do not have this drink if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or have any kidney disease or on a blood thinning medication.
This video is only intended for an informational purpose.Readers are subjected to use this information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this..
The content is offered on an informational basis only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified health provider before making any adjustment to a medication or treatment you are currently using, and/or starting any new medication or treatment. All recommendations are “generally informational” and not specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problems, concerns and/or needs. Video Rating: / 5
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Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid-
Hey, bad news for everyone that’s looking for a magic pill for fat loss. It doesn’t really exist. But, what I’m finding through a lot of research recently is that Vitamin D3 might be as close as we can get to something that can reduce belly fat as anything that’s out there. Let me explain how this works because honestly it’s pretty fascinating.
What Vitamin D is, first and foremost is a fat soluble Vitamin. It’s a fat soluble Vitamin that helps regulate mood, it can help regulate metabolism and most importantly it regulates where calcium goes in the body. But, because it’s fat soluble it means that it’s stored in the fat cell. Start thinking about this: if you have an excess amount of fat or if you’re overweight that means that most of the Vitamin D that you consume, even if you’re taking a supplement, is going to get sequestered into those fat cells and it’s going to stay there meaning you have less bio actively available Vitamin D3 to do the cool things that I’m about to explain.
Let’s talk about how Vitamin D3 actually burns fat. The first method is by increasing something called Leptin. Have you ever eaten food before and gotten full? If you haven’t you’re probably not human. Honestly, what happens is leptin signals your brain that you’re full. When you eat a lot of food you have the production of Leptin, signals your brain that you’re full and you stop eating. Problem is that without Vitamin D3, Leptin levels don’t generally increase that much. If you have enough D3 your brain can signal and your brain can be told you need to stop eating. It’s that simple. Low levels of Vitamin D3 those Leptin levels don’t get too high and you can keep eating, making it very easy to overeat.
Remember what I said about the Vitamin D3 getting stored in fat cells? Think about this, if you already are low in D3 and then you eat and you don’t have enough Leptin so you keep eating more then you’re going to develop more fat cells, which means you’re going to hold onto more Vitamin D in the fat cells and more and more to the point where you have this snowball effect where you continue to store fat. Are you one of those people that have just looked in the mirror and say how did this happen to me?
Honestly, I was one of those people seven or eight years ago. The other way that Vitamin D3 is proving to potentially be a good belly fat burner is through the modulation of the parathyroid and calcitriol hormones. The Parathyroid is a small set of glands around the thyroid in our throat and basically when they produce parathyroid or they produce calcitriol, we have a rapid increase in how our body stores fat. It tends to want to store it more. If we have enough Vitamin D3 the parathyroid and calcitriol hormones aren’t quite as crazy. They’re not going quite as haywire, which means your body slowly stores and slowly metabolizes fat versus doing it rapidly, making it where you look in the mirror and feel like it happened overnight.
Those are the two main reasons that Vitamin D3 is starting to play a big role in belly fat. This wouldn’t be a traditional video of mine if I didn’t at least reference one peer reviewed, double blind placebo study. One study took 218 women. These 218 women they gave a strict diet and exercise program to and they asked them to follow it for a year. Then they took half of these women and they gave them Vitamin D. The other half of the women they gave a placebo. After one year of time, it was found that the women that took the Vitamin D had on average seven pounds more weight loss than those that didn’t take the Vitamin D. It doesn’t sound like much but just by adding Vitamin D, it’s pretty dang interesting.
Then, there’s one other study. There is another study that found that those that were taking Vitamin D3 had a better waist to hip ration than those that were not.
1) 10 Reasons to Take Vitamin D to Lose Fat and Build Muscle. (n.d.). Retrieved from
2) Does Taking Extra Vitamin D Reduce Body Fat? | Healthy Eating | SF Gate. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3) Link between obesity and vitamin D clarified | Science News. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4) Vitamin D Council | What is vitamin D? (n.d.). Retrieved from
5) Vitamin D3 supplementation during weight loss: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. – PubMed – NCBI. (n.d.). Retrieved from Video Rating: / 5
Neuigkeiten von der Vitamin D Front – Dr. von Helden entlarvt Stiftung Warentest-Artikel. Vitamin D ist wichtig für ein gesundes Immunsystem und ein langes Leben. Kein Vitamin D Mangel mehr!
🔱Die besten Vitamine
💦Viel mehr als ein Wasserfilter
🌞Vitamin D3 Tropfen (Vegan)
🌞Vitamin K2 Tropfen (Vegan)
💪Magnesium Kapseln (Vegan)
🍀Veggie Krankenkasse
🍉Wir lieben Süßes ohne Zucker
👑Beste Superfoods
😎Hilfe bei Elektrosmog
💦Ohne Waschmittel
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Studie von Dr. von Helden:
Vitamin D und Krebs:
Vitamin D und Diabetes:
Vitamin D und Übergewicht:
Vitamin D – Neue Blutwerte & Propaganda:
Vitamin D Bluttest selber machen:
Vitamin D Playlist:
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